Content Warnings for Unbroken
Unbroken is a fantasy pirate adventure that takes place in a fictional world that resembles a historical Earth. It contains the usual levels of piratical violence, including sword fights, stabbings, fist fights and the squabbles that come from living in a confined space on the ocean with the same people for too long. If you read Uncharted, the level of violence is similar.
Additional potentially sensitive content included in this book are:
Various references to the poor living conditions in Redmere while Cinder was growing up. She had two stillborn siblings and two who died in childhood, and was once beaten by her father for losing a pair of boots
At the start of part 2, a character dies by suicide to avoid capture. If you need to, you can skip this scene and resume the narrative at the start of Chapter Ten
In the same scene, a teenage girl is accidentally killed
References to drug use and depictions of background characters under the influence of drugs
Speaking in the past tense, a character refers to a lover who died in childbirth
A man is asked to physically assault a woman for the brokers’ pleasure. The action is interrupted before anyone is injured…except possibly the broker.
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