And Now, A Word From the Author

Hello world! I wanted to let you now that over the next few months I’m going to be pulling some of my books from KU and moving them to all platforms. It’s a move that makes sense for me as an author and where my career is headed and I’m excited to connect with new readers who weren’t able to read some of these books while they were in KU over the last few years.

What’s moving?

Pretty much all my MM romances (see exceptions below). These were all released in KU first and have been there for a number of years. Since I haven’t released much new MM while I’ve been focusing on the pirate books, these romances have run their course with the KU algorithm and it’s time to give them new life.

What’s staying in KU?

All three of The Pirate & Her Princess books are staying in KU for now. I may move them in the new year. 

Puppuccino and Destination Bedding are staying for now too. These are attached to larger shared series in KU, so moving them at this time doesn’t make a ton of sense.

When are the books moving?

Over the next few months. KU runs on a 90-day renewal cycle, so I have a few books that I’ve set to not renew at the end of their 90 days. Up North, Boyfriend With Benefits, and the Out & About books will move around July 15. By mid-September the Seacroft books and The Pick Up will all be wide.

I really appreciate everyone who has loved these books when they were released. If you’re a KU subscriber and haven’t read all of the books that are moving, you’ve still got time, and any books that you’ve downloaded will stay available on your Kindle until you return them, even after they’ve been pulled from KU. 

As a newbie author venturing into self publishing, KU was a great platform to cut my teeth on. Now, though, I’m ready to take a new step now, publishing on platforms that work better for the types of stories I want to tell and the pace at which I publish.


How I Spent My Social Media Hiatus


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